最齊全的Maisy故事, 風靡全球60多個國家,總銷量超過5000萬。
Maisy是一隻永遠帶著微笑,喜愛分享與幫忙解決問題的小老鼠! 其內容溫馨有趣、充滿創意與歡樂,也寓含著家長對幼兒小朋友的教養理念,更提供了一個無限延伸的想像空間,非常適合父母用來引導0—5歲的孩子,逐漸培養EQ、 IQ,提高學習、生活的能力。
套装1 10本故事书
Recommend for ages:2-5
Paperback in English
Dimension: 20cm x 20cmStory Books 10 titles:
Doctor Maisy
Maisy Goes Shopping
Maisy Makes Gingerbread
Maisy Makes Lemonade
Maisy Tidies Up
Maisy’s Bathtimes
Maisy’s Bedtime
Maisy’s Bus
Maisy’s Dresses Up
Maisy’s Pool
套装 2 10本sticker book ,贈送10個主題的精美貼紙 邊學邊玩 +
Sticker Books-10 titles
Dress Maisy
Maisy at the Beach
Maisy Goes to Work
Maisy’s Day
Maisy’s Hide and Seek
Maisy’s Thanksgiving
Maisy’s Trick-or-Treat
Maisy’s Valentine
Maisy’s Christmas
Maisy’s Garden
套装3 16本 first experiences books
Titles included are:
Maisy Goes to the City
Sweet Dreams, Maisy
Maisy’s Christmas Eve
Maisy Goes to Nursery
Maisy Goes on Holiday
Maisy Goes to the Movies
Maisy Goes to the Library
Maisy, Charley, and the Wobbly Tooth
Maisy’s Field Day
Maisy Goes Camping
Maisy Goes by Plane
Maisy Goes to the Museum
Maisy Plays Soccer
Maisy Learns to Swim
Maisy Goes to Hospital
Maisy Goes on a Sleepover
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SKU: BOARB-Maisy-36
$108.00 Regular Price
$66.70Sale Price
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