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This kit contains all of the required manipulatives for Singapore Math Grade K, go perfectly with Singapore math and other math curriculums. 



This package includes the following items:


1)Tangram, Wooden Magnet / 1 set

2)mini Clocks - set of 3 (w/24hrs 10cm,w/min 10cm,normal 10cm)

3)Teddy Bear Counters - Set of 100 with scale

4)2 set of Geoboard 7" 5x5 pin double-sided w/ rbr bands x 10

5)MultiLink Cubes - Set of 100

6)Set of 155 Wooden Pattern Blocks (.5 cm thick) w teachinging cards

7)Abacus(common version)

8)Math wooden Counting sticks

9)Domino(Double-Six set)

Complimentary manipulate kits for Kindergarten students

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