“归来 Return”的使命是在美国处于新冠病毒爆发的最危难之际,帮助我们的一线医疗工作者。由于时间紧迫、物资货源和物流始终处于变化之中,归来计划延用过去两个月对中国捐助的策略——坚持点对点,“把对的物资,在对的时间,送到对的人手上”。
目前已通过归来计划接受捐赠的医院包括:Rush University Medical Center, University of Chicago Medical Center,哈佛麻省总院,纽约长老会康奈尔大学医学中心等,每批捐赠数额为800个医用N95口罩或等价物资(疫情期间市值约为3500美元包物流)。
The mission of "Return" is to return the US anti-epidemic materials to the United States at a time when the United States is most in danger under the influence of the new coronavirus. Because the time is very tight and the material supply and logistics are in a changing state, the return plan plans to adhere to the strategy of donating to China in the past two months, insisting on point-to-point, "deliver the right materials to the right people at the right time." . At present, we have high-quality materials (which can enter the infection ward), including CDC certified N95 (Dasheng, Makrite), DuPont protective clothing, German technology goggles, etc., and are delivered to the first-line hospitals with contact doctors through time-effective logistics.
At present, the return plan has reached a cooperative relationship with the Peking Union Chicago Alumni Association (PUMCA), established a network that can contact Chinese doctors in more than 20 hospitals in the United States, and began to deliver materials to Chinese doctors in mid-March.
The hospitals currently donated through the return program include Rush University Medical Center, University of Chicago Medical Center, Harvard Massachusetts General Hospital, New York Presbyterian Cornell University Medical Center, etc. Each donation amount is 800 medical N95 masks or equivalent materials (The market value during the epidemic was about 3,500 US dollars in package logistics).
We hope to use our efforts to drive more people to follow our doctor friends.